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What we do!

Sweet Pea Fitness. LLC is a portable preschool movement program that offers dance, gymnastics and yoga enrichment classes to children ages 2-5 in a preschool or daycare setting. We bring fun preschool-sized equipment and props to children while they are at school. Our curriculum is invigorating and our equipment is designed to promote success and safety.

Enrolling your child in a Sweet Pea Fitness class will enhance the school day and encourage a healthy lifestyle. From birth to age 5, a child’s brain develops more rapidly than at any other time in life. The quality of a child’s experiences in the first few years of life helps shape how their brain develops. These experiences have lasting impact on their health and ability to learn and succeed in school and in life.

Mission Statement

Sweet Pea Fitness, LLC was established to help promote health and wellness to preschool-age children through dance, gymnastics and yoga. Each class is designed to gently introduce children to movement that will improve overall health and fitness.

Basic motor skill development is essential for children to develop the confidence to participate in physical activities and sports. Early exposure to these concepts will allow your child to grow to love movement.

We will teach them to learn to love and accept movement challenges.  We will teach with loving discipline while serving and enriching the lives of the students we teach.